Local Volunteers

If you live in Radauti or the surrounding area, you can really get involved in the life of the organization with lots of possibilities available where you can volunteer, whether you're helping in one of the committees with family selection or on the construction site. Just fill in the form below and we'll get back to you.


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Our Mission

Door to Home is a nongovernmental, non-profit organization that builds, renovates and rehabilitates simple houses, decent and affordable as price, with and for the underprivileged persons, with the help of volunteers and community resources.

Contact Us

Door to Home
Str. Bogdan Voda, nr. 12, Cam. 14
Rădăuţi, Suceava, 725400

E-mail: info@doortohome.ro
Tel: 0230 - 562751

Connect with Us
